Earlier this year I was privileged to attend the funeral of WBro Keith J Lyon, a former chairman of St Helen's & Prescot Group.
There had not been much contact between he and I for a number of years - - - but he had been an enthusiastic organiser for the Mark 2000 Festival, with which I was much involved.
Keith was a very patriotic man , his hero was Winston Churchill books on whom and memorabilia filled his study! 
He had been head chorister and on PCC of St Mary's Church Prescot. 
The organ played Rule Brittania as the cortege left the Church.
The WL Mark Charity Fund kindly agreed to an experiment at our AGM , that we might on occasion make a donation in memory of a brother - - - to a Registered charity nominated at the service. 
Thanks to John Sarti and Maurice Evans, I was able to send £100 (payable to Dementia Care UK) to Keith's widow Barbara.

Today I received a long 'phone call from Barbara - - - expressing her and her family's appreciation and delight for the Mark's charitable gesture.

In particular she mentioned their surprise and gratitude for the number of Masonic people , who filled the Church . - - - so if you are wondering whether or not to attend  a funeral in future - - -GO! 
More recently I also attended the funeral of VW Bro Peter Owen, the Mark Special Rep for Garston area for 13 years. A more enthusiastic Mark man it would be difficult to imagine, and 60 years in the Craft.
He gave unstinting  service to Huyton URChurch.
Thanks gain to John Sarti &Maurice Evans I was able to present a WL Mark Charity Fund cheque (to the British Heart Foundation) publically at the funeral ' Tea '. There were plenty of people there, and your donation was greeted with applause.
Again the family were appreciative - - - and for the support of Brethren at the funeral.
I was delighted that having been to two funerals last year where freemasonry was very specifically not mentioned, both the above were acknowledged in the Church services for their Masonic enthusiasm.
Peter Connolly